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Principal Associate at Africa Centre for Security and Intelligence Praxis Eldred de Klerk is a comparative policing and social conflict specialist and a Director/ Senior Associate of the African Centre for Security and Intelligence Praxis (ACSIP) – which works on security and intelligence as a democratic and transformative praxis. Eldred is a seasoned practitioner and an intuitive and insightful facilitator who works with State departments, interstate agencies and local and international nongovernmental organisations focusing on policing, intelligence and state security, democracy building, and peacekeeping and peacebuilding processes. He is proactive and systematic with strong verbal and written communication skills, and brings strong analytical skills and operational and interventionist experience in dealing with the challenges of ‘race’ and class; gender-based violence; public disorder and violence prevention; global migration; radicalisation and extremism, and social and natural disasters. He has led in conflict resolution facilitation and policing reform, electoral violence prevention and rule of law and security sector reform efforts across Africa, as well as in Asia and Western Europe.

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